Aquarium Natal
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Address: Av. Litorānea, 1099 - Redinha Nova.
This avenue is the one which goes from Redinha to Jenipabu; the Aquarium is located between the avenue and the beach.
The Aquarium is a private institution (no connection with or funding from governments). Entrance ticket is R$6, children pay R$3. Opening hours: 8am - 6pm; check out before going: phone (84) 224-2177.
The Aquarium was founded and is run by a family of biologists and retired environmentalists. Besides the exhibit, the aquarium also serves as a surgery center for sea animals (there are photos at the entrance of the Aquarium).

Sandpaper sharks
The Aquarium exhibits about 60 marine species. There are about 30 small aquariums, where the species are put individually or in small groups of 2 or 3 species. Most species were collected at the Brazilian and Rio Grande do Norte coast.
Species include several kinds of fish (including piranhas), sea horses, shrimps, lobsters, stingrays, octopussy, etc. In a refrigerated aquarium, there is a couple of pinguins.
In a central tank, there is a family of the meekest sharks in the world, the sandpaper-shark; this specie has this name because their back is textured like a sandpaper; actually, visitors are encouraged (under supervision of guides) to touch the head and backs of the sharks.
Besides the aquatic fauna and flora, the Aquarium also exhibits some animals from nearby environments. There are turtles, monkeys, lizzards and snakes.

Colorful fish
In an external yard of the Aquarium, there is an area (free access) with a cafeteria, a souvenirs shop and a tank with two specimes of live Brazilian alligators.
Visits are conducted by bi-lingual guides (English and Spanish spoken). Also, beside each aquarium, there is a board which briefly explains, in English, the life of each specie.
A guided tour takes about one hour. A visit to the Aquarium can be included in a tour to beaches north of Natal.
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visitors since April 5th 2005