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Distance from Natal: 49 Km
Acess: BR 101 north, then RN-160.
Access also via beach: check out the page about beach tours.
The beach of Jacumã is in a small bay protected by reefs; waves are very small. The beach is lined by sets of tall palm trees. Jacumã has been taken by holiday houses since the 1970s; more recently, the area has been discovered by investors.

Aero bunda
The most famous attraction of Jacumã is the Lagoon of Jacumã.
A perfect combination of lagoon, dunes and ingeniousity resulted in the creation of aerobunda (aero=aerial; bunda=hind): a hand-made leather seat is hunging from steel ropes; one end of the rope is at the top of the dune, the other is near the border of the lagoon, 20 meters below; after released, the "passenger" slides along about 50 m, touches the hind on the water, and eventually crashes into it (it is possible to stay in the seat, though).
The fly takes less than ten seconds, but it seems longer; the trip can be with or without emotion (in the latter case, the operators bounce you like a yo-yo before releasing).
There are rustic restaurants both at the top of the dunes (which can only be accessed by buggies and 4WD) and at the banks of the lagoon (which may be accessed by conventional cars). The aero-bunda was broadcasted at some very popular TV shows, so it became popular among tourists; currently, there are 18 ropes of aerobunda. Each trip costs R$ 4.

Ski bunda
Another popular attraction is the ski bunda. Here, the passengers sit on a small wooden board and slide downhill about 50 meters of dune.
The trip can also be with or without emotion. The operator holds a rope tied to the board which controls the speed of the fall; in a "with emotion" trip, the operator just releases the board and lets you go on free fall.
Until a few years ago, aero-bunda and ski-bunda were practiced at the Lagoa de Jacumã; however, the intense flux of people caused a quick erosion of the dunes, and Environment Authorities prohibited ski-bunda. Today, ski-bunda is practiced in the premises of a hotel in Jacumã, about 300 meters far from the Lagoon.
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