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Distance from Natal: 85 Km

Acess: BR 101 south; take RN 003 at the city of Goianinha.

Pipa is a combination of white sand, clear water and falesias; dolphins come to mate, and turtles lay their eggs in Pipa.
This combination made Pipa turn from a small fishing village into one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Brazil; foreigners from all the world come for tourism and never leave; several businesses are run by foreigners.
The nightlife is also remarkable; there are several bars and clubs playing rock and local rythms; the crowds move from place to place until dawn.
The infra-structure tries to keep up with the influx, but fact is that the place grew too fast. There are several restaurants and hotels, but prices are higher than in Natal (pre-booking of hotels is strongly advised). If you drive your own car, be prepared to be patient to go around the narrow and packed streets.

Read more about Pipa:
http://www.praiadapipa.com.br In Portuguese only.

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visitors since April 5th 2005