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Redinha is the first beach north of the river Potengi. Redinha is still in the city of Natal; it makes border with the city of Extremoz. Redinha is 10 km south of Jenipabu; most people going to Jenipabu pass by Redinha.
Acess: there are two ways to reach Redinha: over land or by boat. From Ponta Negra, the land route is about 10 km longer (and you must drive along the busiest streets of Natal). Most buggy drivers take the boat; the boat trip costs R$5 and takes about 10 minutes (after you board). There are two boats operating; on busy days, you may have to wait up to half an hour to get aboard. A bridge is under construction, linking Praia do Forte do Praia da Redinha.
There are controversies about the origin of the name. Redinha means "small net" in Portuguese, and some say that the name derives from the many nets that the fishermen expose along the beach. However, Cāmara Cascudo, the most famous historiographer of Rio Grande do Norte, says that the name was given by Portuguese settlers who came from a city in Portugal also called Redinha.
Redinha grew by the margins of River Potengi and the Atlantic Ocean; from the beginning and until today, the economy of the place is based on fishing. The area near the river was recently reurbanized; several kioskes offer fried fish and cold beer.
Recinha is protected by reefs, so the waves are small. The zone near the river is not recommended; garbage thrown into the river are often washed back by the sea and accumulate on the sand.
Along the Redinha beach, there are many "barracas" offering food, drink and umbrellas. Also, in Redinha is located one of the largest Aquariums in Brazil, the Aquarium Natal.
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